Facebook video offers a powerful opportunity for marketers to promote brands, products and services.

It can provide you an amazing amount of exposure for those who ‘get it right’.

The question becomes ‘How do you do that’?

You can’t simply create a video, toss it on a fan page and hope for the best. You can’t pay your bills with hope.

Here are 9 tips to help you make sure you get the most out of Facebook video.

facebook video

1. Keep your video short, concise, to the point.

If you look at video ads that do well, and video content that goes viral they get to the point. You don’t want to yammer on and no one care. People are super distracted. Get to the point. Use clear images. Don’t repeat yourself. Also, don’t repeat yourself.

2. Add a call to action to every video.

Put calls to action in every video. You will never get what you don’t ask for. You also want to make sure you are driving them to a landing page, eCom store, or sales page so you can monetize your traffic. Make sure they are clear, bold, and easy to spot.

3. Put promos in your Facebook videos.

Coupons. Vouchers. Discount codes they can’t get anywhere else. Make sure you add a sense of urgency. Deadlines. Limited inventory. Make them take action.

4. Pin a high engaging video on your Facebook business page.

Did уоu knоw that Fасеbооk lets уоu ріn a vіdео to thе top оf уоur business раgе, whеrе іt wіll rеmаіn even аftеr уоu publish more rесеnt соntеnt?

Use this opportunity to create a short video that introduces your views to you, your brand, and makes them feel all warm and fuzzy. Use it to highlight a key product, service, or special offer.

5. Create highly-targeted videos for your marketing.

Use FB data and analytics to build out highly-targeted videos for your audience. Best way to find out what they want? Post a question and ask them. It’s the fastest way to create content, products, and services your followers will want to buy.

6. Video series create continuity. Stay on schedule.

Create video content on schedule. It’s like scheduling a TV show. If your favorite show came on at random times – you’d never be able to catch it. That’s how you end up with Law & Order reruns at 3am from 10 years ago – but hey those are awesome!

7. Take rave reviews from customers and turn into marketing video.

Take your best customer reviews and create videos. Ask your customers to send in a short clip about your product, or you can post (blur out the details for privacy) their emails. This gives you a more powerful brand and will help you get attention in your space.

8. Put your videos in post on Facebook…and everywhere.

Don’t just ‘throw and go’ with your video. It’s not enough to post it just on Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. YouTube. Your goal is to get attention. Post it everywhere so you can be found.

9. Take a look at outsourcing video.

You can get razor sharp videos created for you that are optimized for Facebook video. It cost a lot less than you might imagine. While not inexpensive the return on this type of investment can repay you for years to come.