Spring is here! For some of us, spring means the return of warm weather, for others it signals a time to clean out the clutter or, a time for more outdoor activities. Successful marketers know that just as spring habits vary, so do seasonal buying patterns. Marketers should take advantage of advanced marketing tools to capitalize on consumer spending around the changing seasons. There are three areas that will help you deliver the most value to your customers throughout the year: preference data, message relevancy, and a mobile-first approach.

Preference data

Spring is a great time to gather preference data as “spring cleaning” inspires consumers to research and purchase new items as they begin purge their closets of last season’s look. Collecting information from your customers about the types of products they are interested in will enable you to accurately tailor the content you send them through the remainder of the warm weather seasons.

Message relevancy

Differences in climate and culture affect style preferences from city to city. To give your customers a tailored experience, use their preference data to delivery personalized content and product suggestions. By using dynamic content tools and filters in your marketing automation platform, you can be sure the right content is presented at the right time, to different audiences within the same campaign. Personalizing your communication shows your customers that you understand their needs and preferences, builds brand trust, and long-term loyalty.

Mobile first

With the thaw of winter, spring inspires activity and productivity – with so much to do, your customers have more reasons to be on the go.  This is the perfect time of year to scale up your mobile PUSH and SMS campaigns to reach consumers wherever they are. Consider adding triggers based on location data from visits to your mobile app or visits to your site from a mobile browser. Triggering a message to your customers while they’re near your store is a powerful way to drive relevant messaging and purchase intent.

Focusing on these three core areas will help you deliver the most value to your customers through the season and throughout the year. Learn more about how our team of experts can help with comprehensive marketing strategies that will take your marketing to the next level.

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