digital transformation

Your aim is likely to be about trying to find ways that keep you ahead of the curve and give you a potential edge over your competitors.

To do that you probably need to consider working with a digital transformation agency who has their finger on the pulse, and it would also help to stay informed on what the main digital transformation trends are.

AI is still a work in progress

You really can’t talk about digital trends without talking about artificial intelligence (AI).

It is fair to say that the possibilities for AI are still to be discovered and it seems clear that machine learning, as well as deep reinforcement learning, both have considerable potential for changing the digital landscape and transforming the way some industries function.

The prediction for the near future with regard to AI is that we will see a number of hi-tech companies work on ways that allow businesses to adopt and integrate this technology into their blueprint for the years ahead.

There is also going to be competition for space with rival AI technologies looking to become the dominant player.

The big data drive will gather even more momentum

It is clear that data and cloud technology are heavily intertwined and with the majority of businesses becoming almost entirely dependent on a multi-cloud strategy, this will enable a data-driven approach to marketing.

The growth in big data and analytics is phenomenal in such a short space of time and this is a trend that is set to continue as more companies adopt a strategy that is driven by big data and supported by cloud technology.

Blockchain concepts

Industries are fast becoming more aware that blockchain technology offers a number of exciting opportunities and its uses go beyond just being about cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin grabbed plenty of the headlines but many companies are now discovering that there are wider options for using blockchain, such as being able to conduct secure transactions and providing a validation option for product authentication.

Account-based marketing is set to enjoy rapid growth

Finally, account-based marketing (ABM) deserves a mention when talking about trends as we are seeing more companies adopting these practices than ever before.

The general concept behind ABM is that your marketing efforts are highly personalized and focused on each individual customer rather than a group of prospects.

This means that you create content and marketing events for a market of one so that you make a unique and powerful connection.

Although the concept of AMB is still in its infancy when you compare it to other digital marketing methods, it is trending strongly and the concept is building an ever-increasing following.

Creating a more customer-centric sales approach is expected to help increase revenue and that is why AMB is considered one of the key trends to look out for this year.

It promises to be an exciting future and digital transformation trends are definitely worth following if you want your business to keep pace and compete for business with the help of technology.

The post Changing the World: What Are the Top Digital Transformation Trends for 2019? appeared first on Mike Gingerich.

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