
Business owners can effectively turn Instagram followers into customers by developing a social media marketing strategy that leverages the power of engaging content, developed audiences, and targeted advertising campaigns on the platform.

As one of the most popular social media platforms available today, Instagram is a great place to reach a wider audience, connect with potential customers, and generate more leads for your business.

To help you get started, we’ve gathered a number of Instagram tactics that work for most businesses. Keep reading to discover how to turn Instagram followers into customers.

How to Turn Instagram followers into Customers

Many businesses struggle with leveraging Instagram to drive conversions and increase revenue. However, with over one billion active users, Instagram represents a huge opportunity for businesses to connect with their target audience, build brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.

By including Instagram in your social media marketing plan, you can create a strong visual brand identity, showcase your products or services, and engage with your followers in a more personal way. But it’s not enough to simply have a presence on Instagram; you need to know how to leverage the platform effectively to turn your followers into paying customers.

Here’s how to turn Instagram followers into customers:

Create a content strategy using the KLT factor

The KLT (Know, Like, Trust) factor is a powerful framework for creating a content strategy that helps businesses build relationships with their target audience and ultimately drive sales. Here are some steps to create a content strategy using the KLT factor:

  • Know: In this stage, the goal is to educate your audience and build awareness about your brand. You can achieve this by creating informative and helpful content that addresses your audience’s pain points and needs. Examples of content for this stage include blog posts, how-to guides, and educational videos.
  • Like: Once your audience knows who you are, the next step is to build a connection with them. To do this, you need to create content that resonates with your audience and makes them feel good about your brand. This could include behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, showcasing your brand’s personality, and sharing user-generated content that highlights your product in use.
  • Trust: Finally, you need to establish trust with your audience. To do this, you should create content that showcases your brand’s expertise, reliability, and social proof. This could include case studies, customer testimonials, and influencer partnerships.

By implementing the KLT factor into your social media marketing strategy, businesses can create a strong connection with their audience, build trust, and ultimately drive more sales. Remember to regularly evaluate your content and adjust your strategy as needed to ensure that it continues to effectively engage and resonate with your target audience.

For the best results, consider developing a content schedule that balances all three types of posts. This will help you develop a more dimensional feed and keep your followers interested in your brand. For example, you might post a helpful tip on Monday, a behind-the-scenes look at your office on Wednesday, and a customer testimonial on Friday.

You will need to test what works best for your Instagram followers, but it’s worth the effort. No one wants to follow an Instagram feed that shares the same content every day. 

Mix it up with different post formats

Instagram offers a variety of post formats that businesses can use to create an interesting and engaging feed for their followers. Here are some ways to use different post formats to make your Instagram feed more interesting:

  • The Photo: A photo post on Instagram is a type of social media post that features an image or photograph along with a caption or description. Businesses can use photo posts on Instagram to showcase their products or services in an attractive and engaging way, provide a behind-the-scenes look at their business, or highlight their brand’s personality and values. By creating visually appealing and high-quality photo posts, businesses can capture their followers’ attention, build brand awareness, and ultimately turn their Instagram followers into paying customers.
  • The carousel: A carousel post on Instagram is a type of post that allows users to include up to 10 photos or videos in a single post, which followers can swipe through to view. Businesses can use carousel posts to showcase a series of related images or videos that tell a story, provide more context on a topic, or showcase multiple products or services. By creating engaging and informative carousel posts, businesses can keep their followers engaged, provide more value, and ultimately turn their Instagram followers into loyal customers.
  • The video: A video post on Instagram is a type of social media post that features a video along with a caption or description. Businesses can use video posts on Instagram to showcase their products or services in action, provide educational or informative content for their audience, or give their followers a behind-the-scenes look at their business. By creating engaging and high-quality video content, businesses can capture their followers’ attention, build brand awareness, and ultimately turn their Instagram followers into paying customers.
  • Reels: Reels on Instagram are a type of short-form video content that allows users to create and share 15-second videos with their followers. Businesses can use Reels on Instagram to showcase their products or services in a fun and creative way, provide entertainment or education for their audience, or showcase their brand’s personality and values. By creating engaging and memorable Reels content, businesses can capture their followers’ attention, increase their brand visibility, and ultimately turn their Instagram followers into loyal customers.
  • The story: Instagram Story posts are a type of short-form content that allows users to share photos or videos that disappear after 24 hours. Businesses can use Instagram Stories to share daily updates, showcase new products or services, provide a behind-the-scenes look at their business, or run special promotions or discounts. By creating engaging and timely Instagram Story content, businesses can keep their followers engaged, build brand awareness, and ultimately turn their Instagram followers into paying customers.
  • The live post: Instagram Live posts are a type of real-time video content that allows users to broadcast live to their followers. Businesses can use Instagram Live to engage with their audience in real-time, answer questions, showcase their products or services, or provide educational or informative content. By creating engaging and interactive Instagram Live content, businesses can build a personal connection with their followers, increase their brand visibility, and ultimately turn their Instagram followers into loyal customers.
  • The shop post: Instagram Shop posts are a type of social media post that features a product image, description, and price, along with a direct link to purchase the product. Businesses can use Instagram Shop posts to showcase their products in an engaging and visually appealing way, provide a seamless shopping experience for their audience, and ultimately drive sales directly from the Instagram platform. By creating eye-catching and well-curated Instagram Shop posts, businesses can make it easy for their followers to discover and purchase their products, turning Instagram followers into loyal customers.

By using a mix of these different post formats, businesses can create a more interesting and engaging Instagram feed that keeps their audience coming back for more. Remember to be creative and experiment with different formats to see what works best for your brand and your audience.

Show up consistency

Posting consistently on Instagram is important for business owners because it helps them build a strong relationship with their followers, increase brand visibility, and ultimately turn followers into customers. By posting regularly, businesses can keep their audience engaged, build anticipation for new products or promotions, and establish a consistent brand presence on the platform.

Consistent posting helps businesses stay top-of-mind with their followers, making it more likely that they will think of the brand when they are ready to make a purchase. Additionally, posting regularly can help businesses build social proof and credibility, as it shows that the brand is active and engaged on the platform.

The best frequency to post on Instagram can vary depending on the business and its audience. However, a general guideline is to aim for at least one post per day, and up to three posts per day if the content is high-quality and engaging. Posting too frequently can overwhelm your audience while posting too infrequently can make your audience forget about your brand. It’s important to experiment with different posting frequencies and track engagement metrics to find the sweet spot for your business.

Start conversations and encourage your followers to engage

Starting conversations on Instagram can be a highly effective way for businesses to connect with their audience, build relationships, and ultimately drive sales. By actively engaging with your followers and initiating conversations, you can create a sense of community and encourage your audience to become more invested in your brand.

One of the key benefits of starting conversations on Instagram is that it can help you gain valuable insights into your audience’s needs and preferences. 

  • What types of conversations do your followers respond to most?
  • What questions attract the most answers?
  • What isn’t getting engagement? 

By engaging with your followers and asking for feedback, you can gather valuable information about what your audience is looking for and use this knowledge to improve your products or services.

Another benefit of starting conversations on Instagram is that it can help you build stronger relationships with your followers. By taking the time to respond to comments and messages, and initiating conversations on topics that are relevant to your brand, you can create a more personal and authentic connection with your audience.

There are many ways that businesses can start conversations on Instagram. For example, a fashion brand might ask their followers for their favorite summer style tips, a fitness influencer might start a discussion about the best ways to stay motivated during a workout, or a food blogger might ask their audience for their favorite healthy recipe ideas.

To encourage your followers to engage with your content, it’s important to make it easy and fun for them to do so. Consider using creative captions, asking open-ended questions, and responding promptly to comments and messages. By creating a welcoming and engaging environment on your Instagram page, you can foster a strong sense of community and ultimately turn your followers into loyal customers.

Share User-generated Content

Sharing user-generated content (UGC) on Instagram can help a business turn followers into customers by providing social proof that other people are satisfied with the products or services. This content can encourage potential customers to make a purchase by increasing trust in the brand. Additionally, user-generated content can help businesses increase engagement and showcase their community, creating a more authentic and engaging Instagram presence that can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Here are a few ways this strategy can be effective:

  • Builds social proof: User-generated content (UGC) can help build social proof by showcasing real customers using and enjoying your products or services. Seeing other people having a positive experience with your brand can help build trust with potential customers and encourage them to make a purchase.
  • Increases engagement: When a business shares UGC on their Instagram feed or in their stories, it encourages other followers to engage with the brand by commenting, liking, or sharing the post. This increased engagement can help to build a stronger relationship with followers, increasing the likelihood that they will become loyal customers.
  • Showcases community: Sharing UGC can also help to showcase the community surrounding your brand. When your followers see other people using your products or services, it can create a sense of belonging and encourage them to become a part of the community themselves.

Overall, sharing UGC on Instagram can be a powerful way for businesses to build trust, increase engagement, and showcase their community. By incorporating UGC into your content strategy, you can create a more authentic and engaging Instagram presence, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Call your followers to take action 

Calling your followers to action is the key component you need in order to turn Instagram followers into customers.

Encouraging your followers to take action through clear and tested calls to action (CTAs) is a crucial aspect of social media marketing that can help businesses turn their followers into customers. CTAs are prompts that encourage your audience to take a specific action, such as visiting your website, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter. By using CTAs effectively, businesses can increase engagement, build brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.

One of the key benefits of using CTAs on Instagram is that they provide a clear direction for your audience, making it easier for them to take the next step in their customer journey. For example, a business might use a CTA to encourage its audience to visit its website and sign up for a free trial or to download a product catalog. By providing a clear and specific direction, businesses can increase the likelihood that their followers will take action.

Another benefit of using CTAs on Instagram is that they can help businesses measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. By tracking the number of clicks or conversions from a specific CTA, businesses can evaluate the success of their marketing campaigns and make adjustments as needed.

To use CTAs effectively on Instagram, businesses should make sure that their CTAs are clear, specific, and relevant to their audience. It’s important to use action-oriented language and to provide a sense of urgency to encourage your audience to take action. 

Looking for examples?

Here are six CTA examples a veterinarian might use on Instagram to turn followers into customers:

  1. Schedule an appointment: Use a “Book Now” button or a clickable link in your bio to encourage followers to schedule an appointment for their pet’s check-up or treatment.
  2. Contact us for emergencies: Use a clickable link in your bio to direct followers to your emergency contact information, encouraging them to reach out in case of an urgent pet health concern.
  3. Follow us for pet health tips: Use a CTA in your captions to encourage followers to follow your Instagram account for regular pet health tips, advice, and education.
  4. Share your pet’s story: Use a CTA in your captions to encourage followers to share photos and stories of their pets, creating a sense of community and engagement on your Instagram page.
  5. Sign up for our newsletter: Use a clickable link in your bio to encourage followers to sign up for your newsletter, which can provide valuable pet health information, updates, and promotions.
  6. Recommend us to your friends: Use a CTA in your captions to encourage followers to recommend your veterinary services to their friends and family, helping to increase your reach and attract new customers.

So, where do you place CTAs?


We’re not recommending you litter your Instagram profile with spammy sales pitches – that would negatively impact the reputation of your brand and likely cost you followers and potential customers. CTAs shouldn’t always revolve around sales. Similar to the KLT factor mentioned earlier, CTAs should strike a balance between the types of actions you ask your followers to take. Creating a balance of CTAs, between those that encourage social engagement and those that actually sell, is key to maintaining a healthy feed of content.

Including a variety of CTAs that either encourage engagement on Instagram or encourage followers to become customers will provide your audience with a clear direction of what to do next, whether they’re viewing a photo, video, your bio, or a pinned Instagram post

Ultimately, using CTAs on Instagram is an effective way for businesses to turn their followers into customers. By providing clear and specific directions, businesses can encourage their audience to take action and move forward in their customer journey. By experimenting with different CTAs and tracking their effectiveness, businesses can refine their social media marketing strategy and drive more sales.

Send your followers to specific landing pages

Sending Instagram followers to a specific landing page can be a highly effective way to turn them into customers. Unlike directing followers to your general website, a landing page is a targeted and focused page that is designed to encourage a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. 

By sending your followers to a landing page, you can create a more personalized and tailored experience that can increase the likelihood that they will take action.

One of the key benefits of using landing pages is that they provide a clear and specific direction for your audience. Instead of landing on a general website where they may be distracted by other content or options, a landing page provides a clear call to action that encourages them to take a specific action. This can help to increase conversions and drive sales by reducing the number of steps required for your audience to take action.

What makes a great landing page?

There are a number of key elements every landing page should have. It’s important to test what works for your business and target audience, so start with the basics and evaluate what’s working and what’s not working.

Here are 10 basic elements to help you get started:

  • Headline: A clear and attention-grabbing headline that communicates the main value proposition or offer of the landing page.
  • Subheadline: A supporting subheadline that provides additional information or context about the offer.
  • Clear Call-to-Action: A clear and prominent call-to-action (CTA) that encourages the user to take the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.
  • Benefits: A list of benefits or features that highlights the unique value proposition of the offer and explains how it can benefit the user.
  • Social Proof: Testimonials, reviews, or other forms of social proof that help to build trust and credibility with the user.
  • Visuals: High-quality and relevant visuals, such as product images or videos, that help to illustrate the offer and make the landing page more engaging.
  • Scarcity: A sense of scarcity or urgency, such as limited-time offers or limited availability, that encourages the user to take action.
  • Form: A form that allows the user to provide their contact information or other details in exchange for the offer.
  • Trust indicators: Trust indicators, such as trust badges, security icons, or privacy policy links, that help to build trust and credibility with the user.
  • Navigation: A simple and distraction-free design that minimizes the number of navigation links and focuses the user’s attention on the call-to-action.

Another benefit of using landing pages is that they allow businesses to track the effectiveness of their Instagram marketing efforts. By using tools such as Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel, businesses can track the number of visitors to their landing page, the number of conversions, and other important metrics. This can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of their Instagram campaigns, allowing them to make adjustments and improvements as needed to drive more sales and engagement.

Overall, sending Instagram followers to a specific landing page can be a highly effective way to turn them into customers. By creating a targeted and focused page that provides a clear call to action, businesses can increase conversions, track the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, and ultimately drive more sales and engagement.

Instagram Ads

Business owners should consider leveraging Instagram Ads in their social media marketing strategy because it can help them reach a wider audience, drive traffic to their website, and ultimately turn followers into customers. Instagram Ads allows businesses to create targeted and customized ad campaigns that are tailored to their specific audience, making it easier to reach the right people at the right time.

One of the key benefits of using Instagram Ads is that it can increase brand visibility and awareness. By using Instagram’s targeting features, businesses can reach new audiences who may not have been aware of their brand before. This increased exposure can lead to increased followers and ultimately, increased sales.

Another benefit of using Instagram Ads is that it can drive traffic to a business’s website or landing page. By including a clickable link in the ad, businesses can encourage their audience to take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. This can help to turn followers into customers by providing a clear and easy path for them to take action.

In addition to increased brand visibility and traffic, Instagram Ads can also provide valuable insights into a business’s audience and their behavior. By tracking engagement metrics, such as clicks, likes, and comments, businesses can evaluate the effectiveness of their ad campaigns and make adjustments as needed. This data can help businesses refine their social media marketing strategy and drive more sales.

Overall, Instagram Ads can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to turn followers into customers. By using targeted and customized ad campaigns, businesses can increase brand visibility, drive traffic, and gain valuable insights into their audience, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Partner with an Instagram professional for help

In today’s competitive business landscape, it’s more important than ever to stand out on social media platforms like Instagram. By partnering with a social media marketing team that specializes in turning Instagram followers into customers, you can gain a competitive advantage by accessing the expertise and knowledge of experienced professionals.

A digital marketing agency that offers tailored social media marketing services, like Sachs Marketing Group, can help you create customized and effective strategies that align with your unique goals, audience, and brand voice. This can help you to create more targeted and engaging campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive results.

Don’t let your Instagram marketing efforts fall short of your expectations. Take the first step toward turning Instagram followers into customers and request a free proposal to discover how our social media marketing experts can help you grow your business on Instagram.



Turning Instagram followers into customers requires a strategic approach that includes creating high-quality content, engaging with your audience, using targeted hashtags, utilizing various post formats, incorporating user-generated content, and including clear calls-to-action. 

Additionally, businesses can benefit from partnering with a social media marketing agency that specializes in Instagram marketing, to help them develop a customized strategy, save time, and gain a competitive advantage. By following these best practices and utilizing the right tools, businesses can successfully turn their Instagram followers into loyal customers and drive business growth.


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