GIFs are one of the best, easiest, most effective ways of engaging your customer base and with Gif Buddy you can do this more powerfully than ever

This brand-new software has just gone live …. and can help you utilise GIFs to their greatest extent, and ensure that your customers will feel drawn to your product and feel compelled to buy.
See, there have been TONS of studies which show how effective GIFs are in online marketing.


This is because GIFs help humanise your online persona, giving it a unique personality.


Heaps of big companies like American Apparel and DELL have been using GIFs with outstanding results, leading to:


[+] 6% increase in open rate
[+] 42% increase in click rate
[+] 103% increase in conversion rate
[+] 109% increase in revenue

Find Out How To Use GIFs To Get Your Customer’s Attention

Some of these companies’ usage of GIFs has led to huge viral spread and success. I mean, as an Australian, I know more about Denny’s based off of their social media and their GIFs than their actual service.

I mean…Denny’s usage of GIFs is seriously awesome…

This the perfect software for anyone trying to boost their online marketing engagement and conversion rates, and make more money online.

It can automate the hottest GIFs based off of your keywords from GIPHY – the largest GIF database in the world. Once it’s automatically curated these GIFs, it allows you to schedule them and integrate them into your marketing on basically any social media or WordPress site.

Here is what you’ll get when you get GIF Buddy:

[+] Completely automated curation of the very best, highly-converting GIFs free for you to use in your marketing.
[+] Fully compatible with Facebook, Twitter, and any WordPress site.
[+] The ability to mass-schedule GIFs out days, weeks, or even months in advance…in just a few simple clicks.
[+] Allows you to add your own hyperlinks, affiliate offers, and eCommerce items


Start Using The Best GIFs In Your Marketing Now

Buy Today & You’ll Instantly Get These Bonuses Too!

But we haven’t stopped there! You’ll also get:

[+] Smart Graphic Designer
[+] Facebook Hot Content Seeker
[+] Conversion Samurai
[+] Free And Fast Traffic Formula

So… what other offers will you see when you buy?

We’ll never recommend a product that forces you to buy the upsell offers in order for it to work, but often these optional extras give you more flexibility, better features or an easy way to benefit faster…

With this in mind, here’s some information about the extra offers you’ll see and how they can help you, so you can go into this fully prepared.

One Time Offer #1:

The first offer you’ll see is the Pro version, which basically eliminates the need for even finding the GIFs yourself, automating your GIF creation even further. Just type in the key words and it will find and auto-post with whatever links you’d like.

One Time Offer #2:

Then you’ll see an offer for OTO2, which lets you create and manage up to 25 log-ins for VA’s, Employees, Team members OR even sell if you’d like.

One Time Offer #3:

Finally, you’ll get an offer to purchase OTO3, which has all the same perks as OTO2, with the added bonus of allowing you to White Label with your own branding.

Click Here To Get GIF Buddy And All The Bonuses

So, I’d definitely recommend you get in and grab a copy while GIF Buddy is at a special launch discount and secure it at the cheapest possible price.

Also, this is kinda unrelated but I wanted an excuse to put in this totally gratuitous GIF of Captain America’s muscles as he pulls down a helicopter.

Yep, you’re welcome xx

– Cindy Donovan