
Gen Zers (zoomers) are people born in the mid-1990s — early 2010s. There are about 69 million zoomers in the US and more than 2 billion worldwide (26% of the world’s population). In 2022, the oldest representatives of this generation are turning 25. This means they are gradually becoming influential participants in the global economy. In the next 10 years, they will make up 30% of the workforce. Recruiters need to look for new ways of attracting Gen Z employees. Let’s consider them in detail.

Zoomers are the first digital generation that grew up in an environment with Internet access and information technology. They care about academic performance and job prospects more than their predecessors. In comparison with millennials, they are more likely to experiment when choosing a job (for example, searching for positions in solution architects).

LinkedIn researchers state that zoomers change jobs more often than millennials. Compared to 2019, in 2022, there was a 134% increase in job changes. For millennials and baby boomers the rate increased by 24% only. This means that Gen Z representatives are trying to find perfect jobs by comparing working conditions in several organizations. In many ways, their search is driven by the willingness to find the optimal work-life balance.

According to the talent acquisition company Yello, millennials and zoomers also have different views on career development. For millennials, salary, work-life balance, and career opportunities are vital. Gen Zers also find them important and put work responsibilities in third place.

Insider mentions a difference in the views of these generations. For millennials, flexible working hours are a desirable perk and one of the meaningful benefits. For zoomers, flexibility is a standard. They are looking for positions that respect their private life and needs and give them the freedom to choose their schedule.

It is quite difficult for employers to interest people born after 1995. They need to look for new ways of recruiting Gen Zers to avoid staff turnover in the future.

Zoomers have their vision of what the new labor world should look like. According to Indeed’s Career Coach Jennifer Herrity, they are looking to change the work culture. Millennials are trying to follow the requirements of employers, for example, in terms of clothing style. Zoomers believe that their skills and knowledge are more important than the way they look. They do not perceive piercings and informal style as barriers to employment.

According to a 2022 Deloitte survey, zoomers are looking for a perfect work-life balance, preferring hybrid work. This allows them not only to have time for personal affairs. They can thus save money on rent, travel, and clothes. By switching to remote work, young employees are leaving large cities with expensive housing for cheaper suburbs. In 2022, there are 15% of such migrants, which is 6% more than last year.

LinkedIn also analyzed Gen Zers’ preferences and found that flexibility doesn’t just mean working remotely. 70% of surveyed professionals aged 20–24 working in the UK, USA, France, and Germany prefer a combination of office and remote work. For career starters, being in the office can be important for getting the job done well, as well as communicating with co-workers.

By offering flexibility in working hours, employers will not only be able to attract Gen Z employees but will also make workplaces more equitable and inclusive. There are approximately 61 million people with disabilities in the US. At least 13.7% of them will be able to find a job if remote work becomes commonplace.

Indeed’s career coach noted that while millennials rely on university education, zoomers are looking for alternatives to acquire the knowledge and skills they desire. Gen Z representatives watch educational videos and participate in marathons and online classes for professional self-development.

Zoomers see learning as the key to a successful career, so they prefer companies that provide opportunities for continuous self-development. This is the second most important requirement for a workplace after work-life balance. 40% of young professionals are willing to accept a 5% pay cut to work in a position that will provide better career growth.

Therefore, to retain Gen Z employees in a company for a long time, employers need to offer them a career growth plan and training. Access to courses, meetings with experienced employees, and an efficient training system — these benefits will be especially appreciated. This way zoomers will have confidence in the future and move towards a clear goal. They won’t trade certainty for questionable working conditions at a new company.

LinkedIn analyzed 4 million job vacancies posted in 2017–2021 and found that employers are asking newcomers for a minimum of 3-year work experience. Gen Z beginners are intimidated by such barriers to entry into the labor market. Even talented zoomers do not risk applying for roles for which they lack experience.

To eliminate barriers to hiring beginners, companies need to advertise entry-level jobs correctly. It is important to make sure that the ads reflect the level of experience that newcomers have behind them.

How to keep the younger generation of workers in an increasingly competitive job market, given that 40% of zoomers want to change jobs within two years of being hired?

Here are five things to keep in mind to attract Gen Z employees:

Improve your company’s career websites.

Zoomers are advanced Internet users. They search for the necessary information on the Internet. Provide them with details of a position, including a list of employee responsibilities, training opportunities, salary, office location, and type of work (office only, remote or hybrid).

Create versatile content to attract attention.

74% of Generation Z spend their free time online. Therefore, try to attract the attention of young employees with digital content. Post it on popular social networks and talk about your corporate culture and values, demonstrating the process of work or leisure. Relevant content will rank higher in Google organic search, driving more zoomers to your career site.

Post vacancies on social networks.

75% of zoomers surf the Internet through their smartphones. Employers should know these statistics to track which sites they visit and which mobile platforms they use.

A recent survey showed that Snapchat (42.0 million users), TikTok (37.3 million), and Instagram (33.3 million) are the most popular social networks among young people. These platforms have already added functionality allowing people to send their CVs to companies. Use these additional sources, adapting corporate and career sites for mobile devices.

introducing referral programs.

60% of Gen Z candidates prefer getting a job through a recommendation from a friend. Therefore, the surest way to attract young employees is to launch a referral program in your company. Zoomers trust good reviews from reliable people and are more willing to go to interviews. So your current personnel can become a source of Gen Z recruiting.

Promote the concept of sustainable development.

Climate change is one of the most important issues for Gen Zers. According to Deloitte, they want their employers to get involved in environmental action and promote sustainability. Therefore:

– don’t use plastic cups in your offices;

– encourage your employees to ride electric cars, bicycles, or public transport;

– train your personnel to carefully interact with the environment;

– reward specialists who take action to improve the environment.

By following the concept of sustainable development and talking about it on corporate websites and social networks, your company will attract more green-minded zoomers than competitors without a “green” outlook.

To understand how to attract Gen Z employees, you need to know their psychological portrait, priority channels for communication and information search, and views on career growth. With a better understanding of zoomers, company recruiters will be able to build the right strategy for finding, quickly attracting, and retaining talent. Use the five tactics described above to stand out from the competition and build a strong workforce.


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