
Your business is more than the products and services you sell. The relationships you build with your customers are also a big part of it. Social media marketing is a powerful way to make those connections and keep them strong throughout your brand’s journey. 

But social media isn’t a “set it and forget it” tool. It requires regular attention, creative content, and an insightful strategy. By developing a long-term social media marketing strategy, you’ll be able to create meaningful connections with potential and existing customers, driving real results for your business. 

This article discusses important tips for developing an effective social media marketing strategy. To learn more, keep reading ahead so that you can start building long-standing relationships for your brand.

What Is a Long-Term Social Media Marketing Strategy?

Long-term social media marketing requires a carefully planned strategy. It should include the following steps:

  • Setting concrete short and long-term goals and objectives.
  • Monitoring the performance of marketing campaigns and adjusting accordingly.
  • Utilizing analytics tools to measure success and track ROI.
  • Engaging with customers and audiences on a regular basis.
  • Establishing impactful content strategies to drive traffic.
  • Maintaining open communications with your target audience.
  • Staying up to date with new trends and technologies. 

By regularly reinforcing these steps, savvy marketers will have a much better chance at creating an impactful, sustainable social media strategy that will increase their brand awareness and ensure success for their business well into the future.

Why You Need a Social Media Strategy

Devising a social media marketing scheme can help you overcome hardships in marketing and other barriers. With the help of social media tools, you can set objectives and restrictions while also observing and adapting your expectations over time. That way, you can gauge what’s profitable and determine the steps needed to successfully achieve your goals. Moreover, it can contribute to improving your search engine rankings.

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Key Recommendations for Creating a Long-Term Social Media Marketing Plan

1. Select Relevant and Realistic Social Media Marketing Goals

Social media marketing is an effective way to reach new customers and keep current ones engaged with your brand. If you want to succeed, your social media marketing efforts need to be well-defined, and you should set realistic goals for yourself. 

Examples of relevant and realistic goals for a business include: increasing the number of loyal followers by a certain percentage, growing the reach of brand awareness through likes and shares, boosting sales from promoted product posts, using sponsored ads and sponsored stories, and analyzing the data on user engagement to inform future campaigns and strategies. 

All of these objectives will help your business flourish on social media channels.

2. Determine the Target Audience

Describe the essential demographics of the audience you’re aiming to reach in your social media strategy. These include their age, gender, occupation, income, hobbies, interests, etc.

To create tailored advertising, you must first determine your target market. This help meets the unique needs of your ideal customer.

Take into account the difficulties and issues that your target customer faces regularly. Focus on no more than four key demographic subgroups that account for the majority of your clientele.

3. Implement Link Building

Social media content can be linked to the website’s content. This content is useful if it attracts a lot of links or backlinks. 

Engaging in manual outreach, establishing relationships via broken link building, and expanding one’s network by guest blogging are all highly effective link-building tactics. Not only do they offer a chance to boost visibility, but also help build credibility and trust with an audience. When done correctly, this approach can be a great way to gain momentum, generate valuable backlinks, and increase website traffic.

Link-building is a major part of search engine optimization that improves your search engine scores. Link-building services can discover websites and social media accounts connected to your desired audience and then connect them to your website or social media content as part of their link-building assistance. Furthermore, these services actively outreach to as many pertinent websites as possible to promote your site’s content.

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4. Implement SEO

Social media provides businesses with powerful and effective platforms to reach potential customers. Incorporating SEO into your social media marketing strategy can greatly increase your reach and build an even stronger online presence. 

SEO on social media can help you optimize your content to reach the right people and ensure they’re seeing it in the places they’re most likely to engage with it. This can include optimizing your On-page content like keywords, using meta tags and descriptions, setting up structured metadata, and using content-sharing networks like Reddit, Quora and LinkedIn to get your content seen. 

In addition, linking back to your website through your social channels can help increase website traffic and ultimately boost your overall search engine rankings. By integrating SEO into your social media strategy, you can reach more people and have a greater impact on your business.

5. Configure the Social Media Account and Select the Appropriate Social Media Platforms

You must correctly configure your social media accounts. This involves maintaining a unified visual style across all your social media platforms. On each network, use the proper hues, logos, and related visuals.

You may need to do some initial research to determine where your target audience hangs out. This shouldn’t be too difficult, particularly if you are acquainted with your audience. If you don’t already have this information, you can try surveying your audience and asking about their favourite social media accounts.

6. Understand Your Social Media Audience

Knowing who your audience is and targeting them with relevant content is a key ingredient for success. Understanding your social media audience means learning who they are, what types of content they engage with, which platforms they prefer, and which behaviours they exhibit while engaging with your brand. 

With this information in hand, you can create content that resonates with and speaks directly to your target audience, amplifying your reach and increasing the success for your marketing efforts. By carefully crafting content that appeals to the interests and needs of your target market, you can reap the benefits of increased reach, engagement, and sales.

Source: Shutterstock

7. Educational Content

Educating customers about your business and products can prove to be an effective marketing strategy for your business. Educational content is content created to engage, inform, and provide value to your target audience. Examples include blog posts, tutorials, quizzes, infographics, ebooks, and webinars, among others. 

Educational content helps customers learn about topics related to your business and keep them updated on changes and trends in the industry or to build loyalty and trust. It can serve as a way to show you are an industry expert and spark customer interest in your business and its offerings. 

Creating educational content is an important social media marketing tactic that will allow you to reach your target audience and can help you establish yourself as an authority in your field.

8. Have a Realistic Social Media Budget

As with any kind of marketing plan, you should consider the objectives you defined earlier in your strategy when calculating the return on investment (ROI) from your social media budget.

Before setting a social media budget, you should first think about how much you plan to spend on all your digital marketing across all channels. Next, decide how much of that budget you are willing to set aside for social media. This ensures you will have a more realistic budget that you can utilize.

9. Measure Results

Measuring results is essential for any successful social media marketing strategy. Doing so will help you understand how your campaigns and activities are performing and whether they are meeting your business goals.

This will allow you to make more informed decisions about what content to prioritize, who to target, and where to allocate resources. The best way to accurately measure your results is by tracking key metrics like engagement, website clicks, conversions, and return on investment. 

An in-depth analysis of these activities will let you see areas of potential improvement and what’s working best, so you can reap maximum value from your social media campaigns.

Select metrics that are easy to follow because if it is too difficult to keep track of them, you will give up. Net followers is an example of simple analytics since it shows you the number of new followers and likes minus the number of unfollows and unlikes. Others include engagements and website visits from social media.

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10. Promote the Social Channels You Use

Promoting your social channels is integral to any social media marketing strategy. Having a presence on different social platforms will help you reach new audiences and increase brand awareness. With sharing tools, it’s easy to cross-promote content and drive traffic to your channels. 

From sharing links on Facebook and running ads on Twitter to joining relevant groups on LinkedIn and connecting with customers on Instagram, there are plenty of opportunities to promote your social media channels. 

It’s important to tailor your promotional messages for each platform and make sure that your content is engaging and relevant to your audience. Creating an effective social media marketing plan featuring promotional activities is a great way to increase engagement and drive more website traffic.

11. Engage With Audiences

By listening to what your customers and prospects are saying about your brand and responding to their queries, you can build relationships, trust and loyalty. 

Creating interesting and relevant content and participating in conversations can drive more traffic to your website and convert potential clients as well. 

Whether you’re actively engaging in conversations, running poll campaigns or providing help to followers, there are many different ways to reach and engage with potential customers on social media.

12. Build a Community

Making a distinct community for your audience is one of the best tips for creating a social media marketing strategy. You want to be one of their “go-to” locations on a daily basis. Creating a persona online is an essential component of this.

You need to make sure that people don’t perceive your company as a faceless organization but as having heart and soul. Don’t know where to start?

Try to include your readers in your posts by making them interactive. Make it a point to also solicit their feedback. To do so, you can include polls and questions, for instance. On top of that, your posts must be intriguing and noteworthy at all costs.

You can try to join and create suitable groups based on the social media channels used by your target demographic. Facebook Groups are great for B2C businesses; if your emphasis is primarily on B2B, think of using LinkedIn. You can start a group on one of these sites to motivate your audience and create the perfect setting for networking.

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13. Implement Paid Promotions and Influencers

Paid promotions are highly targeted and remunerated posts focusing on your product or service. They help get your message in front of the right audience and can increase brand awareness quickly.

Influencer marketing is a way to easily connect with your target demographic by using an influencer with a large following to promote your product or service.

This gives your brand authenticity as it is endorsed by a trusted source while being cost-effective. By leveraging the power of paid promotions and influencers, businesses can reach more customers and gain more brand exposure.

14. Use Chatbots

Chances are that you have already thought of including a chatbot in your social media strategy. This might also be the case if you communicate with your followers through messenger-type apps. Apps like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp work well with a chatbot. These can assist you with resolving issues for your present or potential clients without the need for human intervention.


Ultimately, developing a long-term social media strategy requires research, planning, and trial and error. It’s essential to stay informed of the latest trends, but it’s also important to tailor your social media strategy to your particular business and industry.

Remember to set measurable goals for yourself, devise ways to track your progress, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Finally, get creative; you want your content to stand out, so put thought into the visuals and messaging you use. With the right plan and a little work along the way, you can have a successful presence on social media in the long run.

Do you need help with getting started on your social media marketing strategy? At TechWyse Internet marketing, we offer social media management services as well as SEO, content, paid media–and the list goes on. To book an appointment, call (416)-410-7090 or contact us here. Let us take your business to the top!

Post By Daniel Martin (2 Posts)

Dan has hands-on experience in digital marketing since 2007. He has been building teams and coaching others to foster innovation and solve real-time problems. Dan also enjoys photography and traveling.



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