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Influencer marketing has become a popular strategy for businesses looking to promote their products or services to a targeted audience. In the B2B space, influencer marketing can be particularly effective in reaching and engaging with potential customers. By partnering with influential individuals or organizations within their industry, businesses can tap into the credibility and reach of these influencers to drive brand awareness, generate leads, and ultimately increase sales. Influencer marketing statistics can help make the case for this approach.

In this article, we will explore some of the most compelling B2B influencer marketing statistics for 2023. These statistics highlight the effectiveness of influencer marketing in the B2B space and provide insight into the potential for this strategy to drive significant results for businesses, for your business. From high ROI to increased lead generation and engagement, these statistics demonstrate the potential for B2B influencer marketing to drive success for businesses in the coming year. So, if you’re a B2B business looking to promote your products or services, influencer marketing is definitely worth considering.

1. B2B companies that use influencer marketing report an average ROI of $6.50 for every $1 invested.

This impressive ROI demonstrates the potential for influencer marketing to drive significant returns for B2B businesses. By partnering with influential individuals or organizations within their industry, businesses can reach a targeted audience and generate valuable leads. Influencers often have large and engaged followings, and their endorsement of a product or service can be a key factor in convincing their followers to make a purchase.

In addition to generating leads and sales, B2B influencer marketing can also help businesses build brand awareness and credibility. By partnering with well-respected influencers in their industry, businesses can gain exposure to a new audience and establish themselves as a thought leader in their field.

Overall, the high ROI of B2B influencer marketing makes it an attractive strategy for businesses looking to promote their products or services in a cost-effective way. By partnering with influential figures in their industry, businesses can reach a targeted audience, drive valuable leads, build brand awareness, and ultimately increase their sales.

2. 78% of B2B marketers say influencer marketing is effective.

According to a survey by Top Rank, 78% of B2B marketers say that influencer marketing is effective, even with small campaigns. This high percentage demonstrates the widespread acceptance of influencer marketing as a valuable tactic among B2B marketers.

One reason for the effectiveness of influencer marketing in the B2B space may be the credibility and expertise of the influencers themselves. Influencers are often thought leaders and experts in their industry, and their endorsement of a product or service carries a great deal of weight with their followers. B2B buyers, in particular, are more likely to trust the recommendation of an industry influencer and are more likely to make a purchase as a result.

3. B2B buyers are more likely to purchase a product or service if it has been recommended by an industry influencer.

This is one of the most compelling B2B influencer marketing statistics for 2023, as it highlights the significant sway that influencers hold with their followers.

Influencers are often thought leaders and experts in their industry, and their endorsement of a product or service carries a great deal of weight with their followers. B2B buyers, in particular, are more likely to trust the recommendation of an industry influencer and are more likely to make a purchase as a result. This is why it’s so important to select influencers that have a strong brand fit and can speak authoritatively within your industry.

The recommendation of an industry influencer can be a key factor in the purchasing decision of B2B buyers. By partnering with influential figures in their industry, businesses can tap into the credibility and reach of these influencers to drive sales and increase the chances of converting followers into customers.

Jenn Herman is a great example of an effective B2B influencer.

4. B2B influencer marketing campaigns have an average engagement rate of 8.7%.

There are a few reasons why B2B influencer marketing campaigns tend to have high engagement rates. Firstly, influencers are often thought leaders and experts in their industry, and their content is likely to be of high quality and valuable to their followers. Additionally, influencers often have large and engaged followings, which can lead to higher levels of engagement with their content.

High engagement rates can be particularly valuable for B2B businesses, as they increase the chances of converting followers into customers. By creating content that resonates with their audience and encourages interaction, businesses can build brand awareness and credibility, and ultimately drive sales.

5. B2B influencer marketing generates 3 times as many leads as traditional marketing.

B2B influencer marketing is particularly effective at generating leads. As we mentioned, influencers are often thought leaders and experts in their industry, and their endorsement of a product or service carries a great deal of weight with their followers. B2B buyers, in particular, are more likely to trust the recommendation of an industry influencer and are more likely to make a purchase as a result.

In addition to generating leads and sales, B2B influencer marketing can also help businesses build brand awareness and credibility. By partnering with well-respected influencers in their industry, businesses can gain exposure to a new audience and establish themselves as a thought leader in their field.

6. 70% of B2B buyers say that they are more likely to purchase a product or service if they have engaged with the company on social media.

There are a few reasons why B2B buyers are more likely to purchase from a company if they have engaged with them on social media.

First, social media provides a platform for businesses to connect with their audience and build relationships with potential customers. By regularly posting valuable and informative content, businesses can establish themselves as a thought leader in their industry and build trust with their audience. This trust can be a key factor in the purchasing decision of B2B buyers.

In addition to building trust, social media provides an opportunity for businesses to showcase their products or services and demonstrate their value to potential customers. By highlighting the features and benefits of their products or services on social media, businesses can convince B2B buyers to make a purchase. By engaging with the company on social media, B2B buyers can learn more about the products or services being offered and make an informed purchasing decision.

Overall, the ability to build relationships and learn more about a company’s products or services on social media makes it an important channel for B2B buyers. By engaging with a company on social media, B2B buyers are more likely to trust the company and feel more confident in making a purchase. This is why it’s critical to have a social media management solution in place like Agorapulse, which successful brands use to maintain and monitor their social media presence.

When brands add key influencers to the mix, this establishment of trust becomes accelerated and enhanced. Influencers are able to amplify brand posts to social media by sharing to their own channels and audience. And when a brand is able to amplify a post from an influencer that promotes the brand, they establish more social proof with their own audience.

7. 50% of B2B buyers say that they rely on industry thought leaders and influencers to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in their field.

Since B2B influencers are often thought leaders and experts in their industry, their content is likely to be of high quality and valuable to their followers. By following and engaging with influencers on social media and other platforms, B2B buyers can stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in their field and gain valuable insights and knowledge.

In addition to staying informed, following industry influencers can also help B2B buyers connect with like-minded professionals and network with others in their industry. By participating in discussions and engaging with influencers and their followers, B2B buyers can build relationships and learn from their peers.

8. B2B influencer marketing campaigns tend to have higher conversion rates compared to other marketing tactics, with an average conversion rate of around 13%.

As we’ve established, B2B influencers tend to be experts in their field, with opinions that carry more trust and authority. As a result, their referrals and recommendations tend to convert at a much higher rate.

More leads, combined with higher conversion rates, results in influencer marketing campaigns that generate tremendous more ROI for your brand.

9. B2B influencer marketing can lead to an increase in website traffic and search engine rankings, as influencers often link back to the company’s website in their content.

B2B influencers tend to have large and engaged followings, and their content is likely to be shared widely on social media and other platforms. By including a link to the company’s website in their content, influencers can drive traffic to the site and expose it to a new audience.

In addition to driving traffic, the inclusion of links to the company’s website in influencer content can also help improve search engine rankings. Search engines use links to a website as a signal of its quality and relevance, and the inclusion of links from reputable and influential sources can help improve the site’s rankings.

10. 59% of B2B marketers say that they plan to increase their influencer marketing budget in the coming year.

As we established at the outset, influencer marketing has proven to be an effective strategy for B2B businesses, with an average ROI of $6.50 for every $1 invested. Additionally, B2B influencer marketing campaigns tend to have high engagement rates and conversion rates, making them a cost-effective way to reach and engage with potential customers. As a result, most marketers report that they’re increasing their influencer marketing budget this year. Are you?

Overall, the high percentage of B2B marketers who plan to increase their influencer marketing budget in the coming year highlights the growing popularity and acceptance of this strategy. With its proven effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, influencer marketing is a valuable and effective way for B2B businesses to promote their products or services.

Bonus Statistics:

56% of Brands Use the Same Influencers Across Different Campaigns

A majority of brands prefer to develop long-term relationships with influencers rather than find another influencer every time they run a campaign. Larger brands will probably have a roster of influencers that they work with depending on the target market or products they’re trying to promote, but this still doesn’t change the fact that relationships are important in influencer marketing.

70% of Marketers Measure the ROI from Their Influencer Campaigns

Unexpectedly, 30% of firms don’t measure their influencer marketing ROI. Of course, this means that two-thirds of them (70%) do. Measuring the ROI from your influencer marketing campaigns is just as important as it is for any other type of marketing campaign. If you’re an influencer, make sure brands are measuring the ROI from your efforts, so you can be sure to get the compensation you deserve.

28.1% of Brands That Run Campaigns In-House Say That Measuring ROI and Campaign Results Is the Most Significant Challenge for Them.

This percentage is up from 23.5% last year. Brands also indicated problems with finding influencers for their campaigns (27.4%), managing contracts and deadlines for campaigns (14%, down from 2020’s 21%), processing payments to influencers (8.3%), and bandwidth or time restraints (13.3%), up from last years 9.5%.

In conclusion, influencer marketing is an increasingly popular and effective strategy for B2B businesses looking to promote their products or services. The statistics outlined in this article highlight the potential for B2B influencer marketing to drive significant results, including high ROI, increased lead generation, high engagement rates, and high conversion rates. Additionally, influencer marketing can help businesses build brand awareness and credibility, and improve their online presence.

With the increasing use of social media and other online platforms by B2B buyers, influencer marketing is a valuable way for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. By partnering with influential figures in their industry, businesses can tap into the credibility and reach of these influencers to drive brand awareness, generate leads, and ultimately increase sales.

Overall, the compelling B2B influencer marketing statistics for 2023 demonstrate the potential for this strategy to drive success for businesses in the coming year. If you’re a B2B business looking to promote your products or services, influencer marketing is definitely worth considering.

Want help getting started with influencer marketing? Let’s talk.


  1. https://www.tomoson.com/blog/influencer-marketing-study/
  2. https://www.toprankblog.com/2022/07/b2b-influencer-marketing-report-22/
  3. https://influencermarketinghub.com/influencer-marketing-statistics/
  4. https://hypeauditor.com/blog/data-from-our-study-of-1865-instagram-influencers/
  5. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1123051/instagram-influencers-share-world-category/
  6. https://popularpays.com/blog/measure-return-investment-roi-influencer-marketing-campaigns/
  7. https://collabstr.com/2023-influencer-marketing-report


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