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Today I wanted to share a video with you about why you should be building an email list and a few pointers on where/how to do that.

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I’ve been marketing online for almost 10 years now and would humbly like to think that I’ve picked up a few bits and pieces along the way… but am not really sure what you would like to learn – if you want to leave a comment below, please do!

Let me know your frustrations, or areas of confusion and where possible I’ll try and help out and get you on the track to doing some great things online.

Also, if you do want to learn more about email marketing, Jimmy Kim has opened the doors for his build my list course, if you have been struggling with the techie bits, or just struggling overall with email marketing – I highly recommend this as a great place to get foundational information in an easy to follow along way.  Check it out here.

Anyway! I hope to hear from you below – please leave any questions, comments, feedback – whatever… and I’ll catch ya soon!

– Cindy



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