The Value of Good Web Design to Your Clientele

Impressing your clients is important regardless of the industry you occupy, and good web design is your ticket to winning over newcomers and keeping existing customers onboard as well.

Of course the value goes far deeper than securing sales and increasing loyalty, so here is a look at the other areas in which a well designed website will bring value to the table.

Your website should cater to your industry niche

In the age of generic templates, it can be difficult to distinguish between sites which are essentially made using the same mould as one another. This is not just a branding issue, but also one which can create complications and compromises depending on your industry and the related needs of your clients.

As such, good web design from experts like Parachute, should be bespoke, allowing you to offer industry-specific features and functionality so that customers are catered to according to their unique requirements.

Your brand identity can be boosted

While the main reason that visitors arrive on your site may be to find out a particular piece of information, encounter a specific service or identify a particular product, good web design should also take the opportunity to establish and reinforce your brand image and overarching identity.

This should be both an explicit and implicit process, governing everything from your use of logos and images to the fonts you choose and the color pallet that defines your site.

Branding is a holistic part of building a website, and this brings values to clients and the business alike, since it creates a cohesive impression of your organization and demonstrates its reputability in one fell swoop.

Good performance & compatibility are essential

Aside from the considerations of page layout, interface design and branding, one of the most important assets that good web design can endow from a client perspective is that of quick page load speeds and comprehensive cross-platform compatibility.

With most browsing now done from smartphones, your site needs to be lightweight enough to load in a matter of seconds while also being responsive enough to be displayed correctly across devices of all shapes and sizes.

Even more importantly, faster sites achieve better search ranks, so you cannot afford to neglect this kind of optimization if you are eager to improve your SEO. As is often the case, any improvements you make to increase your site’s visibility on Google should also lead to a better user experience for customers.

Your site must make your business accessible

In an ideal world, every visitor to your site will convert into a customer either immediately or a little further down the line. This means you need to treat it like a virtual storefront and ensure that it provides visitors with all the information they need to get in touch, make a purchase and find out more about your organization as you maximize lead generation.

Adding CTAs to landing pages, delivering details about your products and services concisely and generally displaying this in an accessible, approachable way with the help of good web design will set you on the road to online success.

The post The Value of Good Web Design to Your Clientele appeared first on Mike Gingerich.

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